Customer Centricity and Value By the Book

Theta co-founder Peter Fader wrote the book on Customer Centricity ─ literally. He’s also the co-author of The Customer Base Audit and The Customer Centricity Playbook. These books have become the go-to resources for business leaders interested in nurturing and leveraging the value of their best customers. Add them to your library now. Details below.

The Customer-Base Audit

The First Step on the Journey to Customer Centricity
Peter Fader, Bruce Hardie, and Michael Ross

In The Customer-Base Audit, the authors present five “lenses” through which an executive can address questions like:

  • How healthy is your customer base? How realistic are your growth objectives?
  • How do your customers differ in terms of their behavior and value?
  • How has the quality of your customers changed over time?
  • What changes in customer behavior lie behind period-to-period changes in firm performance?
  • What is important to your high-value customers? Which products help you acquire and retain your best customers?

Start on the path toward really understanding your customers’ buying behavior as well as the health of your overall customer base.

Buy the book now. Following this link opens a new browser tab and sends you to a website outside of Theta.

Customer Centricity

Focus on the Right Customers for Strategic Advantage
Peter Fader

Featuring examples from Starbucks, Nordstrom, and more, Customer Centricity provides insights to help you understand:

  • Why customer centricity is the new model for success in today’s data-driven environment
  • How the ideas of brand equity and customer asset value help us understand what kinds of companies naturally lend themselves to the customer-centric model and which ones don’t
  • Why the traditional models for determining the value of individual customers are flawed
  • How executives can use customer lifetime value (CLV) and other customer-centric data to make smarter decisions about their companies
  • How the well-intended idea of customer relationship management (CRM) lost its way—and how your company can properly put CRM to use
  • How customer centricity will help you realign your performance metrics, product development, customer relationship management and organization to make sure you focus directly on the needs of your most valuable customers and increase profits for the long term

Buy the book now. Following this link opens a new browser tab and sends you to a website outside of Theta.

The Customer Centricity Playbook

Implement a Winning Strategy Driven by Customer Lifetime Value
Peter Fader and Sarah Toms

In The Customer Centricity Playbook, Fader and Toms offer a 360-degree analysis of all the elements that support customer centricity within an organization. In this book, you’ll learn how to:

  • Develop a customer-centric strategy for your organization
  • Understand the right way to think about customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Fine tune investments in customer acquisition, retention, and development tactics based on customer heterogeneity
  • Foster a culture that sustains customer centricity, and also understand the link between CLV and market valuation
  • Understand customer relationship management (CRM) systems, as they are a vital underpinning for all these areas through the valuable insights they provide

Buy the book now. Following this link opens a new browser tab and sends you to a website outside of Theta.


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